Aquator pivilicusWaterman Pivílko was born in 1263 as the first son of the esteemed waterman Vodomil Pardoubský in lake Pardoubek by the town of Lázně Bělohrad. When he came of age in waterman terms, he moved in 1621 to the royal brewery pond below the castle of Pecka, which then belonged to count Kryštof Harant from Polžic and Bezdružic.
In his first year on his own he had to witness some of the darkest events in Czech history, when peeking from the pond he saw the army of Albrecht from Valdštejn take away the brewery owner count Kryštof - an acomplished scientist and musician - to his execution in Prague.
Regardless, Waterman Pivílko was dilligently taking care of his pond and brewery wells, for which he was entitled to an unlimited supply of beer. He lost this entitlement in 1925, when the Pecka brewery ceased production. If that was not hard enough, the worst came in 1992 when his pond was to be filled to make room for a new development.
After long negotiations with the help of castle-master Červinka from Pecka and muzeum curator Mr. Bařina, Pivílko was officialy inaugurated on Saturday, September 18, 1993 into the brewery pond in Nova Paka taking over the job of retired Waterman Váša. Again his own water sparkled overhead.
Nová Paka thus became the seat of one of the oldest and most experienced waterman in the Czech lands.
(Vítězslava Klimtová, Léčivé bylinky lučních skřítků)